Dantec Dynamics released a new verison of Istra4D V4.10! This new software version is packed full of new features & functionalities for (camera) measurement acquisition, correlation evaluation & post-processing visualization.
New features include:
Point Tracking – this allows users to track an unlimited number of individual subsets/facets as discrete points. Using the DIC algorithm backbone, anything that has a surface feature (ie. a local contrast gradient) can be tracked.
Multicamera Subset Reference Tracking (MSURET) is a feature that allows a subset/facet to be continually tracked throughout the complete multicamera setup, even if the subset is no longer visible in the reference camera pair.
Advanced Triggering Functionality extends the current options of acquisition triggering within the recording procedure. Triggers can now do more than just respond to analog signals and frame count indexes…
Recording Procedure Protocol Enhancements is an extended functionality of the Istra4D recording procedure that now incorporates an array of user-definable, pre-installed templates.
Bilinear Projective Shape Correlation is a new subset/facet shape function that significantly improves the accuracy (reduces the measurement uncertainty), particularly for larger subsets >30px, but also for DIC stereo rigs with a large stereo-angle, and measurements involving full-body movement.
All new CXP-12 cameras now run fully integrated with Istra4D V4.10. Irrespective of using the recording procedure or ring-buffer recording modes, these 50 Gbps cameras have the highest continuous-mode bandwidth compared to any other type of camera technology.
Camera Crosshair Alignment Marking in Istra4D V4.10 helps users with centering the camera image with respect to the sample. A real-time crosshair alignment marking tool is available that virtually marks the center of the Region-of-Interst (RoI) in the image, and also marks out the middle-quarter sections within the RoI area.
The Istra4D DIC application scripting functionality allows users to initiate custom, numerical computations of application data series. V5 of the application scripting modules includes new features, including; Poisson Ratio Analysis, Strain Tensor Comparison, Point Tracking, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
(CTE) and Warpage, and Operational, Deflection, and Shape (ODS) vibration analysis using STFT.
Read more about all new features of the new software version of Dantec Dynamics Istra4D here
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