We kindly invite you to 63-nd International Foundry Conference IFC Portoroz 2023 that will take place together with foundry exhibition organized by Slovenian foundrymen Society with so organizers: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, under motto: »PROACTIVE, INNOVATIVE, AND FLEXIBLE FOUNDRY«
Our partners from Gilardoni X-ray and Ultrasounds are with us. We all together can discuss the best x-ray solution for your needs.
Visit us at the exhibition hall. We have equipemnt for live demo:
– endoscopes for visual inspection IT Concepts GmbH | REMOTE VISUAL INSPECTION
– ultrasound detectior for preventive maintenance SONOTEC GmbH
– polishing machine and consumables QATM – Materialography & Hardness Testing
Portoroz is already a traditional location of foundry science and profession, where the IFC has been taking place in September of each year for many decades now. The event has grown into one of the largest foundry events in this part of Europe and it brings together scientists and researchers from the foundry field as well as experts from the industry.
Slovenian Foundrymen Society binds foundrymen and other experts, who are interested in foundry. It affiliates also interested firms and individuals from foreign countries. Basic aim is professional education with organizing of conferences, seminars, lectures, study excursions as well as publishing of central professional journal Livarski vestnik and mediation of professional literature. It publishes also Collection of lectures and seminars.
A foundry exhibition, where Slovene and foreign exhibitors present their novelties, is also taking place during our foundry conference. Conference also offers opportunities for formal and informal meetings in the framework of international associations, such as MEGI and WFO, as well as regular meeting of the Society’s foundry magazine editorial committee, Livarski vestnik.
Visit us and book your private demo at your plant!
Location & Address: Congress Centre, Hotel Slovenia, Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia