Acoustic Camera

acoustic camera for leak detection and detection of partial discharges

The handheld acoustic camera locates sound sources in real time and displays the results immediately on the screen. Furthermore, the camera provides audible feedback through industrial headphones. This makes ultrasound audible and visible. There are 72 sealed microphones (spiral array) for use in industrial areas. Real-time acoustic results are received at 100 fps. The wide frequency range up to 100 kHz ensures the detection of audible sound and ultrasound.

The acoustic camera uses beamforming to localize sound sources and visualizes complex acoustic information in color as an acoustic photo or acoustic video. Thanks to the intuitive handling as well as preset setups (e.g. for leak detection), even inexperienced users can correctly evaluate the results at a glance.

The camera is the excellent for leak detection and detection of partial discharges up to 120 m distance!

Leak detection features: Broadband ultrasound; Adjustable bandpass filter to adapt industrial environments with disturbing ultrasound; Show multiple leaks in one image; Reporting software for complete leak detection audits; Provide a gross loss estimation.

Partial discharges detection features: Detect partial discharge in the ultrasonic range; Recognize typical forms of partial discharge in the spectrogram; Show multiple partial discharges in one image.

If you need a solution for condition based maintenance contact us for more information.

2022. © Kontroltest International d.o.o.

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