X-Ray & CT cabinets

Our portfolio for radiography testing (RT) include a complete range of cabinets depending on the application and needs of the customers. The industry is increasingly directing its efforts to find programs that ensure product quality. In this context, digital radiography finds its ideal application obtaining the RT image in real time, it allows to achieve the highest levels of productivity in the quality control of large batches. The direct and immediate vision permits to obtain prompt and useful information for production for the optimisation of production process, with clear and relevant advantages in terms of product quality and costs, waste reduction and economy of the entire production cycle. During real-time vision it is possible to change the quality radiation (kV regulation) to adapt it to the penetration needs required by the geometry of the piece, often very complex and variable. It is also possible to position appropriately the piece in order to obtain the best incidence of every critical part and obtain a spatial vision of present defects.

A big variety of x-ray cabinets is available depending on the inspected details, material type, defect size.

All standard systems are ‘CT Ready’, that is, designed for the implementation of a computed tomography system (CT) with advanced software and dedicated workstations. Through the tomography process it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional reconstruction of the analyzed object. The tomographic reconstruction process is composed by two phases, initially the system captures the images of the object by rotating it around its axis, then the software uses the images to generate the three-dimensional model; the reconstructed object can be analyzed in its entirety, measured, checked for defects, compared with CAD models and more.

If you need a solution for x-ray inspection contact us for more information.

2022. © Kontroltest International d.o.o.

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